Wednesday 11 May 2016

5.17 describe the process of micropropogation (tissue culture) in which small pieces of plants (explants) are grown in vitro using nutrient media

Micropropogation is a technique used to clone plants. Here's how it works...

- A plant with desired characteristics is selected to be cloned. Small pieces are cut from the tips of the stems and the side shoots of the plant (these cuttings are known as explants)

- The explants are sterilized to kill any microorganisms

- The explants are grown in vitro. All this means is that they're placed in a petri dish that contains a nutrient medium. This medium has all the stuff the plant needs to grow. It also contains growth hormones (auxins)

- The explant begins to grow and are taken out of the medium and planted in soil.

These plants develop into plants that are genetically identical to the original plant, meaning they will share the same characteristics.

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