Monday 9 May 2016

3.28 understand that variation within a species can be genetic, environmental or a combination of both

Genetic variation is just variation that you inherit, environmental variation is variation that is affected by your environment. That was a bit confusing, here are some examples to clear your mind...

Genetic variation
- Eye colour
- Natural hair colour
- Blood type
- Inherited disorders (e.g. haemophilia, cystic fibrosis)

environmental variation
- Non-inherited disorders (such as PTSD)
- Bad health (such as smoking) can lead to diseases such as cancer and heart disease

NOTE: Some characteristics are affected by genetic and environmental, such as growth. For example, a baby can be very small if the mother does not eat enough during pregnancy (environmental), having a poor diet can stunt your growth (environmental), but you could also just have a short family )
(genetic). Intelligence is also a mixture of both, whilst your maximum IQ is determined by your inheritance, factors such as your upbringing and school life affect how 'clever' you are. Sporting ability is determined by genes, but you also need to train, again it is a mixture of the two.

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