Monday 21 March 2016

2.24 identify sources and describe functions of carbohydrate, protein, lipid (fats and oils), vitamins A, C and D, and the mineral ions calcium and iron, water and dietary fibre as components of the diet

Carbohydrate - found in pasta, rice, sugar - provides energy

Lipids - found in butter, oily fish - provides energy, acts as an energy store and provides insulation

Proteins - found in meat, fish - needed for growth and repair of tissue, to provide energy in emergencies

Vitamin A - found in liver - helps to improve vision and keep skin and hair healthy

Vitamin C - found in oranges - prevents scurvy

Vitamin D - found in eggs (also made when your skin is exposed to sunlight) - needed for calcium absorption

Mineral ions, calcium - found in milk and cheese - needed to make bones and teeth

Mineral ions, iron - found in red meat - needed to make haemoglobin for healthy blood

Water - found in food and drink - almost every bodily function relies on water. Also, we need a constant supply to replace water lost through urinating, breathing and sweating

Dietary fibre - found in wholemeal foods, such as wholemeal bread - helps peristalsis.

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